
Playing golf effectively at home with a golf net?

Effectief thuis golfen met een golfnet?

It is something that many golfers in the Netherlands do not do yet, however, you can practice your golf swing at home. You will only have to organize your training differently, but more about that later!

First I want to convince golfers that playing golf at home with a golf net has many advantages.

Your game will improve! As Gary Player once said, “the more I practice, the luckier I get” is certainly true in golf. Now that you are able to hit a few shots every day, you will notice that your ball contact improves, your swing becomes easier and ultimately more consistent. Even if it is just fifteen minutes of practice a day!

You save time! From the thought: "I'm going to practice on the Driving Range" to actually turning, you'll spend half an hour. In that half hour, you could have completed all your training. Oh, and then back home..!

You save money! A quarter of an hour by car to the golf course, the costs of practice facilities and driving range balls and a ride back, will soon ensure that you have earned back a golf net after just over a year. Not to mention that you will also have started practicing daily instead of twice a week.

All in all, these are good reasons to buy a golf net and practice at home. But you often hear the counterargument: I don't know where my ball is going. Yes, that's right, but here comes the different practice.

First of all, you can simply buy a golf simulator; this way you can find out how far you have hit and the direction. However, they are expensive and that is a reason for many golfers not to practice at home with a golf net. But there are affordable alternatives!

Apps for your phone

Start using your phone or iPad a lot during your practice sessions . Download the ShotTracer app and get videos of your golf swing and some swing data. The distance data is not perfect but gives an indication, especially the swing path video gives you feedback! See if your clubface was open or closed in your backswing and at the moment of impact, and use that to partly determine the direction of the ball.

Download the V1 Golf App. This app also records your golf swing and then compares it with a professional. However, the drawing function is especially useful and useful practice drills are shared with you. With the drawing function, for example, you place a rectangle above your feet, try to stay within it with your hips. Or a circle around your head; to also control that position better.

Use the Tour Tempo app ! Tempo is one of the most important parts of golf. With a 'smooth' tempo you hit the ball better and you can work on specific parts more easily.

Ultimately, every golf swing is unique, and so is the tempo at which you swing. However, many golfers have timing inconsistencies, the backswing may be very slow which causes all kinds of body movements that do not belong there. Or, on the downswing it goes much too fast. Beeps help you make a controlled, rhythmic golf swing that is above all repeatable.

The other benefit is that you are focusing solely on these beats, eliminating the need to think about where your hands are, how your shoulders are turning, and many other technical thoughts that plague golfers on and off the course.

Dry Shampoo, Tour Sticks & Buckets

Buy a tube of dry shampoo at Etos or Kruidvat! A very effective and cheap way to see the impact of the ball on the club. You'll be amazed at how difficult it actually is to always find the center of your clubface. But incredibly important; not only do you lose length if it is hit wrong, but also direction.

Start using Toursticks , I can't stress enough how useful they are. Especially at home if you have a golf mat on grass. Toursticks are usually not usable on a driving range because of the mat, but at home with grass they are. There are many exercises that help you with the correct swing path, ball contact or stance, all of which contribute to the ball direction.

In addition, you can also place buckets in such a way that you are forced to the right swing path, or even swing with a bucket . These are the somewhat more difficult exercises but also very effective and can be applied in this way. Furthermore, there are of course numerous training aids that you can purchase and that will help you further.

Type of golf net

Finally, the golf nets are also able to give you some feedback. Number 1 in terms of feedback is Net Return . Based on how the ball rolls back from the golf net, you can find out whether you had a deviation to the left/right, or whether a draw or fade was hit.

However, with Rukket 's you can easily make a line in the middle with masking tape.

If you are standing 3 meters from your golf net, and you hit 10cm left or right of the masking tape with a 7 iron that you hit 150 meters, then your deviation is 5 meters. At 20cm the deviation is about 10 meters. All in all it gives an indication of the direction, although if you stand a little further away from your golf net this is easier to find out.


There are many ways to effectively improve your golf swing at home. Especially daily practice will have a big impact on your progress. Also make sure you train with aids, don't just hit some balls, that is not effective on the Driving Range and also not with a golf net in the garden.

Discover the useful videos on YouTube and just share a video of your swing with your trainer, who will probably also be able to give you tips via WhatsApp. And who knows, in the future there may even be apps on your phone that perfectly determine the distance and direction of the golf ball in combination with a golf net!

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